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Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association PO Box 654 Hershey, PA 17033-654 USA (map)

Thursday, March 13 - May 15 (8 classes, NO CLASS on March 27 or April 17)

11am - 2pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.