Water Media with Marie Gamon
to May 15

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, March 13 - May 15 (8 classes, NO CLASS on March 27 or April 17)

11am - 2pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.

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Oil and Acrylics with Paul Gallo
to May 19

Oil and Acrylics with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mondays, March 17 - May 19 (8 classes, NO CLASS on March 24 or April 14)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

The class’s goal is to help each artist maximize their individual style of painting and explore new techniques and creativity. The class also examines accomplished artists, both past and present, thru videos, presentations and demonstrations.

Paul himself strives to make paintings that have confident brushwork, paint handling and color. Paul earned an MFA from Syracuse University and in addition to Hershey Area Art Association has taught Painting, Drawing and Design at the college level. 

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Ceramics Workshop: Building Animal-Shaped Bowls with M.J. McFalls
10:00 AM10:00

Ceramics Workshop: Building Animal-Shaped Bowls with M.J. McFalls

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, April 12

10:00am - 12:00pm

Members: $40…Non-members: $55

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

All supplies will be provided for this class. The participants each get to make a beautiful animal shaped bowl that will last forever and is food, dishwasher, microwave and oven safe.  Each person’s bowl will be a unique creation.  

The creating of the bowl out of soft stoneware clay will be done in an easy step-by-step manner.  Non-artists are welcome no experience in clay needed at all.  Students will also add the color.  

M.J. will bring the pieces back all completely fired for the May HAAA meeting for pick up.

About the M.J. McFalls:

M. J. McFalls is an “Artist of the eclectic.” She works in multiple different mediums from Illustrations in Gouache or Pen and Ink , Pottery,  paintings in Wax , Oil and Acrylic to giant Wall Murals, and Sculpture in many forms.  

M. J. is also a private art instructor with ages of students ranging from 5 -100 years old. And has regular 6-week long Pottery Workshops March through October at her home studio in Myerstown Pennsylvania. M. J.’s art is 100% her original creativity.

You can view some of her works at , www.mjmcfalls.com

M. J. McFalls  is available for public speaking and small or large group creative art activities.  Non-artists are always welcome in her classes as well.  

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Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal
to May 28

Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wednesdays, May 7 - May 28 (4 classes)

10:00am - 12:00pm

Members: $90…Non-members: $105

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

This class is an introduction to gouache paint and techniques. Gouache is an opaque watercolor, which can be used thinly as watercolor, or thickly to give more of an acrylic effect. It is water-based, which means it can be reactivated even when dry on your paper. Gouache is fun, easy to work with, takes minimal clean up, and doesn't require fancy tools!

In this class, I will show different techniques at the beginning of each class, and provide project ideas, though you are welcome to bring in your own reference photos to use.

About Archana Sehgal:

Archana Sehgal, an artist living in Hershey, PA, uses vibrant colour and deliberate strokes to create whimsical art. Born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, Archana has travelled around Europe and Asia and enjoys creating art inspired by her travels. Archana earned a B.S. in Radio/TV/Film from Northwestern University, and worked in Silicon Valley in the Tech industry for over a decade before moving to PA and realizing her dream of becoming an artist. She is constantly exploring new styles and mediums, including watercolour, acrylic, gouache, oil and paint markers. 

Supply list:

  • Gouache paint (not acrylic gouache) of any form, e.g. Arteza gouache tubes, Winsor & Newton gouache tubes, Himi jelly gouache, Caran d’Ache gouache pans.

  • Palette with wells

  • Watercolor paper or Toned Tan paper, does not need to be premium, e.g. Canson XL watercolor, Strathmore Toned Tan, any 140lb cold or hot press watercolor paper is fine.

  • Variety of brushes, synthetic or hybrid are fine, different sizes, filbert, flat, round, etc. 

  • Paper towels

  • Water cup

  • Masking or painters tape (optional)

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Color as Light: A Plein Air Painting Workshop with Michael Allen
10:00 AM10:00

Color as Light: A Plein Air Painting Workshop with Michael Allen

Saturday, May 17, 2025

(Raindate: May 31)

10am - 2pm

LOCATION: Hershey Gardens

$75.00 Member…$90.00 Non-member

Note: Entrance fee to gardens not included in price.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033


Light is an unavoidable aspect of painting the landscape. How is a sense of light achieved successfully when painting the landscape? Color mixing theories and strategies are the focal point of this plein air painting workshop.

Set in the Hershey Gardens, this workshop will begin with a discussion of materials and concepts for landscape painting from life. A demonstration will follow on composing a landscape painting with an emphasis on color selection, color theory, and color mixing that leads to creating a distinct light in your paintings. Participants will then be able to paint from the grounds of the Hershey Gardens with guidance and advice on how to make color decisions based on the subject at hand in this 4 hour workshop.

The demonstrations for this workshop will be completed in oil paint, but are easily translated to other mediums such as acrylic or watercolor. You are welcome to bring and use the medium of your choice. This workshop is designed to provide an opportunity for you to witness a variety of tools and concepts in action for your consideration in your own practice. It is open to beginners as well as seasoned painters.


The beginning of the workshop is designed to introduce you to materials that you may or may not be familiar with. This portion of the workshop is meant to decode the mysteries of artist materials. So come ready to ask plenty of questions! Using a “show and tell” method I will discuss a variety of materials I use vs. other materials available. Bring your own materials ready to paint. The following are my suggestions of what to bring, as well as what I will be using to demonstrate.

Portable easel

Prepared painting surface of choice no larger than 16x20 (canvas, panel, paper)

Oil paint or paint of choice (the following is the palette I will be using)

  1. Titanium White

  2. Cadmium Yellow Light

  3. Yellow Ochre

  4. Cadmium Red Light

  5. Raw Sienna (Michael Harding)

  6. Pompeii Red (Williamsburg)

  7. Cerulean Blue

  8. Viridian

  9. Ultramarine Blue

  10. Quinacridone Magenta

Oil painting brushes in a variety of shapes and sizes (I use rounds exclusively in hog hair and synthetic sable)

Painting or mixing knives (optional)

Medium of choice such as Liquin or Galkyd ( I will be using a 1:1 mixture of cold pressed

linseed oil and mineral spirits)

Mineral spirits for clean up


Hat/Sunscreen/Bug spray

Hydration of choice

About Michael Allen:

Michael received his MFA from the University of Delaware and his BFA from Kutztown University of PA. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the Mid-Atlantic region including The New Britain Museum of American Art, The Butler Institute of American Art, The Lancaster Museum of Art, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, among others. He is currently represented by Somerville Manning Gallery in Greenville, DE.

Allen has taught a variety of courses and workshops throughout his career for Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Mount Gretna School of Art, Harrisburg Area Community College, University of Delaware, among others.

His work is widely collected across the United States. He lives and works in Palmyra, PA with his wife and son.

Website: michaelallenfineart.com

Instagram: @michaelallenstudio

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Watercolor Workshop with Deb Watson
9:00 AM09:00

Watercolor Workshop with Deb Watson

Friday, June 20th

9am - 3pm

$60 Member…$75 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

Learn easy watercolor techniques anyone can use to create professional looking watercolor paintings. Enjoy fun and relaxed tutorials that will let you work step by step at your own pace to take home finished paintings and cards. Bring your own supplies OR pay a $10 supply fee and everything you need will be provided.

Learn more about Deb Watson’s work here: watsonwatercolor.com

Questions? Email haaaclasses@gmail.com

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Alla Prima Workshop with Michael Allen
10:00 AM10:00

Alla Prima Workshop with Michael Allen

Saturday, March 22nd

10:00am - 2:00pm

$75.00 Member…$90.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Alla Prima, or all at once, is a method of conceiving and completing a painting all in one sitting. Typically this term is used in conjunction with any painted “from life” situation. It is most commonly associated with the fleeting moments of landscape painting, but is also a common practice among figure painters and still-life painters alike.

This workshop is designed to provide the skills necessary to complete a painting in one sitting. Using a still-life set up as our subject we will discuss methods and strategies for beginning the painting and then quickly developing it. Color choices, as well as, paint mixing and application will be demonstrated and discussed, again, with the concept of completing a painting quickly.

The workshop will begin with an overview of materials followed by a demonstration of how an alla prima painting works. All demonstrations will be completed in oil paint, but the information is easily translated to other mediums, such as acrylic or watercolor. Participants will then have the opportunity to create their own painting, guided by the instructor, using the still-life set up as the subject. Subsequent strategies and demonstrations will continue as the paintings take form in this 4 hour workshop. This workshop is designed for painters at all levels, from beginner to seasoned veteran.


The beginning of the workshop is designed to introduce you to materials that you may or may not be familiar with. This portion of the workshop is meant to decode the mysteries of artist materials. So come ready to ask plenty of questions! Using a “show and tell” method I will discuss the variety of materials I will be using vs. other materials available. Bring your own materials ready to paint. The following are my suggestions of what to bring, as well as what I will be using to demonstrate.

Prepared painting surface of choice, canvas, panel, or paper (14 x 18 or smaller)

Oil paint (or your medium of choice ie, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, etc), bring your own array of colors. The following is the palette I will be using to demonstrate:

  1. Titanium White

  2. Cadmium Yellow Light

  3. Yellow Ochre

  4. Cadmium Red Light

  5. Raw Sienna (Michael Harding)

  6. Pompeii Red (Williamsburg)

  7. Cerulean Blue

  8. Viridian

  9. Ultramarine Blue

  10. Quinacridone Magenta

Oil painting medium such as Galkyd or Liquin (I will be using a 1:1 mixture of cold pressed linseed oil and mineral spirits.)

Oil painting brushes in a variety of shapes and sizes ( I use rounds in both hog hair and synthetic sable)

Painting knives (optional)

Mineral Spirits for clean up


About Michael Allen:

Michael received his MFA from the University of Delaware and his BFA from Kutztown University of PA. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the Mid-Atlantic region including The New Britain Museum of American Art, The Butler Institute of American Art, The Lancaster Museum of Art, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, among others. He is currently represented by Somerville Manning Gallery in Greenville, DE.

Allen has taught a variety of courses and workshops throughout his career for Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Mount Gretna School of Art, Harrisburg Area Community College, University of Delaware, among others.

His work is widely collected across the United States. He lives and works in Palmyra, PA with his wife and son.

Website: michaelallenfineart.com

Instagram: @michaelallenstudio

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Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal
to Mar 12

Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wednesdays, Feb 26 - Mar 12 (3 classes)

10:00am - 12:00pm

Members: $68…Non-members: $83

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

This class is an introduction to gouache paint and techniques. Gouache is an opaque watercolor, which can be used thinly as watercolor, or thickly to give more of an acrylic effect. It is water-based, which means it can be reactivated even when dry on your paper. Gouache is fun, easy to work with, takes minimal clean up, and doesn't require fancy tools!

In this class, I will show different techniques at the beginning of each class, and provide project ideas, though you are welcome to bring in your own reference photos to use.

About Archana Sehgal:

Archana Sehgal, an artist living in Hershey, PA, uses vibrant colour and deliberate strokes to create whimsical art. Born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, Archana has travelled around Europe and Asia and enjoys creating art inspired by her travels. Archana earned a B.S. in Radio/TV/Film from Northwestern University, and worked in Silicon Valley in the Tech industry for over a decade before moving to PA and realizing her dream of becoming an artist. She is constantly exploring new styles and mediums, including watercolour, acrylic, gouache, oil and paint markers. 

Supply list:

  • Gouache paint (not acrylic gouache) of any form, e.g. Arteza gouache tubes, Winsor & Newton gouache tubes, Himi jelly gouache, Caran d’Ache gouache pans.

  • Palette with wells

  • Watercolor paper or Toned Tan paper, does not need to be premium, e.g. Canson XL watercolor, Strathmore Toned Tan, any 140lb cold or hot press watercolor paper is fine.

  • Variety of brushes, synthetic or hybrid are fine, different sizes, filbert, flat, round, etc. 

  • Paper towels

  • Water cup

  • Masking or painters tape (optional)

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Cold Wax Landscape Workshop with Linda Benton McCloskey
to Feb 5

Cold Wax Landscape Workshop with Linda Benton McCloskey

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday, February 4 - Wednesday, February 5

9:30am - 3:30pm (w/ half hour lunch break)

$200 Member…$215 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

Want to make beautiful, textured and glowing abstracted landscapes? Dive into the deep end of color and wild marks, using multiple layers of oil paint mixed with cold wax. Cold wax is a versatile medium that creates rich luminosity, interesting surfaces, and speeds up drying time. It is applied with squeegees, putty, and palette knives, and it feels like painting with whipped butter. Our emphasis will be on painting vibrant and colorful abstracted landscapes using our imaginations (and reference photos if desired). We will experiment with laying down swaths of paint, building texture, scraping away, and then doing it all again. We will work intuitively and energetically on multiple pieces, exploring texture, layers, composition and design, and the use of color. The layers dry quickly, and clean-up is done with mineral or baby oil. You will complete several pieces and have starts for future paintings.

Cold wax Materials list

SUPPORTS - You will need a minimum of 5 for the 2 days. Can be wooden panels (cradled or uncradled). MUST BE PRIMED WITH GESSO PRIOR TO CLASS if not already primed.  I use colored gesso. Be sure to TAPE your edges.  I will be using between 12x12 to 20x20.

You can also use ARCHES OIL PAPER. Make sure it is OIL paper.  If using regular watercolor paper or multi-media paper - IT MUST BE GESSO’d PRIOR TO CLASS.

Another support is MULTIMEDIA ARTBOARD. Neither the Multimedia Artboard or the Arches oil paper doesn’t need to be gesso’d. I will also have both for sale. Both come in a variety of sizes.

OIL PAINT - BRING THE COLORS YOU ENJOY. Be sure to have both the warm and cool in the primaries- such as Quin Magenta or Alizarin Crimson / Cad Red Light. - Lemon Yellow / Hansa yellow or Indian yellow - Thalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue. PLUS LOTS of black and white. I use ivory black and titanium white.  You will use lots of white so be sure to have a large tube.  Bring any other colors you like such as purple or green.  I do mix most of my greens.  You can use water soluble oil.  No acrylic  

Roll Paper Towels

Gamblin odorless solvent - Gamsol

Roll Wax Paper

Roll Saran Wrap or equivalent 

Pad of newsprint - or a stack of newspapers 

Reynolds Freezer Paper.  This will be used as palette paper.  Can be found in grocery stores

1 pint of cold wax - Dorlands or Gamblin

Palette knife - I will have for sale what I use.  I sell all items at my cost

Silicone Bowl scraper (Amazon - Zoie and Chole) I will have for sale

Soft Brayer - I will have for sale at my cost

Baby oil

Old brushes

Optional materials….I will have some for your use. No need to purchase if you don’t have - Stencils / stamps / marking tools / collage materials / oil sticks


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Water Media with Marie Gamon
to Feb 27

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, January 9 - February 27 (8 weeks)

11am - 2pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.

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Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal
to Jan 29

Introduction to Gouache with Archana Sehgal

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wednesdays, Jan 8 - Jan 29 (4 classes)

10:00am - 12:00pm

Members: $90…Non-members: $105

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

This class is an introduction to gouache paint and techniques. Gouache is an opaque watercolor, which can be used thinly as watercolor, or thickly to give more of an acrylic effect. It is water-based, which means it can be reactivated even when dry on your paper. Gouache is fun, easy to work with, takes minimal clean up, and doesn't require fancy tools!

In this class, I will show different techniques at the beginning of each class, and provide project ideas, though you are welcome to bring in your own reference photos to use.

About Archana Sehgal:

Archana Sehgal, an artist living in Hershey, PA, uses vibrant colour and deliberate strokes to create whimsical art. Born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, Archana has travelled around Europe and Asia and enjoys creating art inspired by her travels. Archana earned a B.S. in Radio/TV/Film from Northwestern University, and worked in Silicon Valley in the Tech industry for over a decade before moving to PA and realizing her dream of becoming an artist. She is constantly exploring new styles and mediums, including watercolour, acrylic, gouache, oil and paint markers. 

Supply list:

  • Gouache paint (not acrylic gouache) of any form, e.g. Arteza gouache tubes, Winsor & Newton gouache tubes, Himi jelly gouache, Caran d’Ache gouache pans.

  • Palette with wells

  • Watercolor paper or Toned Tan paper, does not need to be premium, e.g. Canson XL watercolor, Strathmore Toned Tan, any 140lb cold or hot press watercolor paper is fine.

  • Variety of brushes, synthetic or hybrid are fine, different sizes, filbert, flat, round, etc. 

  • Paper towels

  • Water cup

  • Masking or painters tape (optional)

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo
to Feb 24

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Mondays, Jan. 6 - Feb. 24 (8 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions!

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo
to Dec 16

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mondays, Oct. 28 - Dec. 16 (8 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA 17033

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions!

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo
to Oct 14

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Please note the new day/location for Paul’s class.

MONDAYS, Sept. 9 - Oct. 14 (6 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

NEW LOCATION: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033 

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Water Media with Marie Gamon
to Oct 31

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, Sept 5 -Oct. 31, 2024 (8 weeks)


11:00am -2:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.

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Painting Abstractly with Oil and Cold Wax
to Aug 14

Painting Abstractly with Oil and Cold Wax

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Painting Abstractly With Oil and Cold Wax

With Linda Benton McCloskey

This is a 2 day workshop

Tuesday, Aug. 20 - Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024

9:00 am - 3:30 pm

$200 HAAA members, $215 non-members

This will be held at the Hershey History Center

(40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

Dive into the deep end of color and wild marks, using multiple layers of oil paint mixed with cold wax. Cold wax is a versatile medium that creates rich luminosity, interesting surfaces, and speeds up drying time. It is applied with squeegees, putty, brushes, fingers, bracers and palette knives, and it feels like painting with whipped butter. Our emphasis will be on painting vibrant and colorful abstracts.  We will experiment with laying down swaths of paint, building texture, scraping away, and then doing it all again. We will work intuitively and energetically on multiple pieces, exploring texture, layers, composition and design, and the use of color. The layers dry quickly, and clean-up is done with odorless solvent. You will complete several pieces and have starts for future paintings. You can work on oil paper, canvas or panels. There will be many demonstrations and personal help included.  

Website www.LindaBentonMcCloskey.com

Email: mccloskeyart@gmail.com

Mobile: 717-623-2333

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033


MATERIALS NEEDED (most items, you probably already have)

1 pint of cold wax (Gamblin or Dorlands). 

Oil paint - Gamblin 1980 student grade (Michael’s carries this brand) is a good choice.  You should have a green, red, blue, yellow, orange and purple.  Plus 1 large tube of white and 1 large tube of black.  Any other colors you enjoy would be fine. We will be using lots of white. You can also use water-soluble oil paint. You cannot use both, one or the other.

A bowl scraper - Zole + Chloe Multi=Purpose Silicone Scraper from Amazon is a great choice c can be purchased from Amazon.  I will also have them to purchase at cost. Princeton makes one that can be found at Michael’s.

Gamblin odorless solvent - put in a spray bottle. Solvent must be odorless. 

Palette knife. I will have the ones I use available for purchase. 

Supports - All the following work with oil paint - Arches OIL paper / Multimedia Artboard / cradled wooden panels / canvas /panels made for oil. All panels and cradled panels need to be gesso’d prior to class!  If using cradled panel, also tape the sides. You will need a minimum of 4 for the 2 days. We will be working on several at a time.  Supports should be no larger than 14”. You can also use watercolor paper, BUT MUST BE GESSO’D…let dry.

Roll of paper towels

Roll of Reynolds FREEZER paper - can be found at the grocery store (this will be our palette paper)

Roll of wax paper 

Roll of plastic wrap

Masking tape

A couple of cheap or old brushes

A SOFT brayer - I will have some for sale at cost

Cheap dollar store tissue paper

Newsprint or newspapers

Paper and pen for notes

Old apron or clothes - this can get very messy

Also a tablecloth to cover the floor at your working station 

Another plastic covering for your work station

NOT NECESSARY, but nice to have. Don’t buy if you do not have. I will have a variety of these for you to use as well. 

  • You are also welcome to bring - marking tools such as pencils, markers, etc

  • Collage items

  • Dry pigment

  • Oil sticks

  • Things to push into the paint for texture

  • Color shaper

  • Plastic Gloves

  • Stamps

All items can be purchased from Dick Blick, Cheap Joes, Jerry’s Artarama  or Amazon

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Watercolor Summer Fun with Deb Watson
to Aug 7

Watercolor Summer Fun with Deb Watson

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Watercolor Summer Fun

Learn easy shortcuts to creating beautiful watercolor paintings from reference images in this two day workshop. Learn basic watercolor techniques, including washes, mixing colors and easy ways to improve or fix your watercolor paintings. Bring what supplies you have or have All supplies included for a $10 material fee. Summer session subjects include Sunflowers, Sea Turtles and a Stone House.

This is a 2 day workshop

Wednesday, Aug. 6 - Thursday, Aug. 7, 2024

10:30am - 4pm (break for lunch)

$100 HAAA members, $115 non-members

This will be held at the Hershey History Center (40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Travel Sketch-booking Workshop with Carolyn Alfano
9:00 AM09:00

Travel Sketch-booking Workshop with Carolyn Alfano

Travel Sketchbooking

With Carolyn Alfano

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

9am - 4pm

Class starts at the Hershey History Center (40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

And then move to the Hotel Hershey (100 Hotel Rd, Hershey, PA 17033)

$40 (members)……….$55 (non-members)

***lunch will be paid on your own and not included in this price

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

    Have you ever wanted to do a sketchbook when you traveled but didn’t know how to get started?  This workshop will get you started with samples to look at, helpful hints for both  supplies and how to get started, and practice doing sample entries.
    In the morning, I will talk about supplies and different methods for your pages. You will do some sample entries.
    After the morning session, we will drive up to the Hotel Hershey and go to lunch at Trevi 5 as a group and hopefully eat on the deck and do some sketching.
    After lunch we will look around to find some good spots to sketch and do journal entries. We will meet at the end to share our work and answer any questions.

A sketchbook with at least 90 lb paper
(Don’t bring a new one. This is for practice)
An ink pen for sketching and writing entries. (You may bring a drawing pencil too if you want)
A small watercolor set
A container for water
A watercolor brush

Colored pencils if you do not want to use watercolors

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Drawing Fundamentals and Techniques with Jessica Snavely
to May 24

Drawing Fundamentals and Techniques with Jessica Snavely

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drawing Fundamentals & Techniques

With Jessica Snavely

Friday, May 10, May 17, May 24

3pm - 5pm

$65.00 Member……$80.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center (40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

This class will cover the fundamentals of drawing using sight techniques to create realistic and captivating pencil drawings. The importance of composition, value, edges, and shading will be discussed, demonstrated and practiced. Students will use the skills they learn to create a drawing of a subject of their choosing - either from a photograph or from still life objects.

All skill levels are welcome- as we will be covering fundamentals, beginners will receive a good foundation in skills and techniques, and have the opportunity to watch demonstrations and receive one-on-one help. More advanced students will have the opportunity to build on the skills they already have, or practice techniques new to them.

Each student should bring with them a high-resolution grayscale image of what they would like to draw, or small objects that they will be able to set up as a still life. Special lighting will be provided.

Please refer to the materials list to ensure you have what you need to get the most out of the class.

Materials List:

Drawing pencils (at least 3: 2H 2B 6B)

Kneaded eraser

Drawing paper (at least 8x10 )

Vellum/Tracing paper pad (large size)

Pencil sharpener

T-Square or Ruler

About Jessica:

Jessica has been interested in art since she was a young girl, especially drawing, and would often try to copy images of animals and people in pencil. She studied drawing and painting in college, earning her Masters of Art degree in Studio Art in 2013. She has taught a variety of art classes at the high school and college level, and currently teaches monthly at her childrens’ homeschool co-op where she gives her students opportunities to work with many different kinds of artistic media including paper, clay, paint, printmaking and drawing. In her spare time, Jessica enjoys drawing and oil painting in her small studio at home, and displaying her art in local shows and exhibits.

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to May 28


  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
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Plein air painting


Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, 28 (4 classes)

10:00am - 1:00pm

$75.00 Members…..$90.00 Non-member


Schiavoni Park
9060 Bridge Road
Hummelstown PA

Grab your hat and join Paul for a 4-week plein air workshop with different locations around the Hershey Area. During the first class Paul will demonstrate and explain the basics of plein air landscape painting, but still allow time for you to begin your own landscape painting.  Future class locations to be discussed at the first class. All locations will always have parking and a bathroom.

 The class will cover plein air setup, basic guidelines of plein air painting, color mixing, brush work, working with edges, thin and thick paint application, simplifying the subject, and composition.  

Students will need to supply their own materials and a portable easel. You might also want to bring a folding chair. 

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA)

mail to PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting -- Materials List –

Paul Gallo 717-608-7190


BASIC PAINT COLORS: Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Alizarin Crimson Permanent Burnt Sennia and Titanium White. Optional: Pthalo Blue, Cadmium Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Red.


Recommended Brands: Windsor Newton, Gamblin, Utrecht

Less Expensive Recommended Brands: Winton, Gamblin 1890, Utrecht Studio I don’t recommend using student grade paints.

BRING PAPER TOWELS – Viva is a good choice, but any quality paper towel.


Brushes come in three basic shapes – rounds, brights/flats and filberts. Rounds are long and tubular, like a watercolor brush. Brights and flats are flat and square, with brights being short and flats being longer. Fiberts combine the advantage of flats but creating the softer paint edge of a round. I use mostly brights, and filberts, but each type of brush gives you a unique mark.

Bring whatever brushes you have but it would be good to have these three or four brs hes a such as: Fiberts: #6 or #8, Large flat or bright; about 1” wide, Smaller flat or bright; about 1/4” wide


Hand held palette, or plastic resealable. (Option; Disposal paper palettes make clean up easy.)


Metal palette knife, size about 3” in length. For color mixing, scraping paint, laying-in bold color and cleaning the palette.


Turpenoid (odorless substitute for turpentine) and a container to hold Turpenoid. (Tuna can works well)


11” x 14” stretched canvas, canvas board or Masonite. Bring 1or 2 per day.


- Be sure to bring a pencil and paper for planning sketches and notes.


1- Pencil and paper

2- One canvas or canvas board — 11” x 14” is a good size 3- Paints, brushes and palette knife (see above)

4- Palette

5- Turpenoid

6. Paper towels

7. French easel or equivalent (we have a couple easels that we can provide if you do not have one)

8. Lawn chair

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Oil and Acrylic with Cory Pigeon
to Apr 16

Oil and Acrylic with Cory Pigeon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Mondays, April 15 - May 13, 2024 (4classes)


6:00pm - 9:00pm

$95.00 Member……$110.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center (40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

Catch Cory before he leaves for his European Travel Scholarship.

In this oil/acrylic painting class, students will learn about painting materials and techniques as well as working through problems and creative blockage. We will practice exercises that allow us to gain skill and understanding with shape, form and color value. As a group, we will look at art books and discuss masterworks in the beginning of class to spark inspiration and conversations between the students. All levels of experience welcome! Please bring all of your questions and best effort. 

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

No specific supplies are needed, just all of your paints and a surface to paint on! 

A Message from Cory:

“At a young age, I began creating and taking as many art classes as I could. After high school, I continued my education at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts where I received my BFA. Overthe years, I have been developing my artwork into what I want to create as an artist. Large scale figure paintings are a recurring motif in my studio. Inspiration for my work comes from personal experiences, imagination and thoughts of painting while creating. Painting for me recently is about the new discovery that can be found by expressing what might be thought of as an accident. Allowing my artwork to progress in unexpected and interesting moments on the surface excites me. Currently, my work is focused on evolving paintings in unique painterly ways, making it more about the execution and overall experience of creating and observing the pieces.”

Cory has had his works exhibited at the Art Is, 95th International Juried Show, Figuratively Speaking, and The Silver Screen with the Art Association of Harrisburg, to name a few. He won Best of Show at Figuratively Speaking and 2nd Place for Oil and Acrylics at the 95th International Juried Show. He currently teaches Advanced Painting and teaches classes at the Paxtang Art Association. Cory will have a solo show at Weidner University starting in June.

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WaterMedia with Marie Gamon
to May 23

WaterMedia with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, April 4 - May 23, 2024 (8 weeks)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.

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Encaustic Painting with M.J. McFalls
6:30 PM18:30

Encaustic Painting with M.J. McFalls

Thursday, March 28, 2024

6:30pm - 9pm

$40.00 Member……$55.00 Non-member

Location is the Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033


ENCAUSTIC ART: a form of painting that involves a heated wax medium to which colored pigments have been added and usually painted on a surface such as wood. Encaustic painting was first practiced by Greek artists as far back as the 5th century B.C.

Pictured above is an example of something that you could create.  MJ will be bringing  supports of various sizes and shapes and the participants can choose what suits them best for their project.

Participants will be able to paint anything from a picture to a more abstract design.

It’s an easy and fun and very versatile medium.  

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Oil and Acrylics II with Paul Gallo
to Apr 30

Oil and Acrylics II with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesdays, March 12 - April 30, 2024 (8 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

The class’s goal is to help each artist maximize their individual style of painting and explore new techniques and creativity. The class also examines accomplished artists, both past and present, thru videos, presentations and demonstrations.

Paul himself strives to make paintings that have confident brushwork, paint handling and color. Paul earned an MFA from Syracuse University and in addition to Hershey Area Art Association has taught Painting, Drawing and Design at the college level. 

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Cory Pigeon
to Mar 25

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Cory Pigeon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • Mondays, February 5 - March 25, 2024 (8 classes)

6:00pm - 9:00pm

175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Hershey History Center (40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033)

In this oil/acrylic painting class, students will learn about painting materials and techniques as well as working through problems and creative blockage. We will practice exercises that allow us to gain skill and understanding with shape, form and color value. As a group, we will look at art books and discuss masterworks in the beginning of class to spark inspiration and conversations between the students. All levels of experience welcome! Please bring all of your questions and best effort. 

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

No specific supplies are needed, just all of your paints and a surface to paint on! 

A Message from Cory:

“At a young age, I began creating and taking as many art classes as I could. After high school, I continued my education at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts where I received my BFA. Overthe years, I have been developing my artwork into what I want to create as an artist. Large scale figure paintings are a recurring motif in my studio. Inspiration for my work comes from personal experiences, imagination and thoughts of painting while creating. Painting for me recently is about the new discovery that can be found by expressing what might be thought of as an accident. Allowing my artwork to progress in unexpected and interesting moments on the surface excites me. Currently, my work is focused on evolving paintings in unique painterly ways, making it more about the execution and overall experience of creating and observing the pieces.”

Cory has had his works exhibited at the Art Is, 95th International Juried Show, Figuratively Speaking, and The Silver Screen with the Art Association of Harrisburg, to name a few. He won Best of Show at Figuratively Speaking and 2nd Place for Oil and Acrylics at the 95th International Juried Show. He currently teaches Advanced Painting and teaches classes at the Paxtang Art Association.

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Water Media with Marie Gamon
to Mar 7

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday, January 18 - March 7, 2023 (8 weeks)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

The focus of this class will be on watercolor painting, however the use of acrylic, gouache or even oils are welcome!  We will go over how to get started, the different ways to use watercolor and other water media paints, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor . Students will be encouraged to mix these media when appropriate.

People of all experience levels are welcome. For the beginners, there will be demonstrations of basic painting techniques and for the more experienced there will be time to practice your present skills and to be inspired to try alternative techniques with the aim of expanding your creativity.

During the class session we will go over color theory and color mixing, how to apply the paint to paper or canvas and the aerial and linear perspective (as needed) .  There will also be discussions on composition, what types and shapes of brushes work best, and types of paper or other grounds for your painting projects.

Each student is encouraged to bring photos of what you would like to paint…either on paper or ipad or phone.  This class is all about getting the most out of your paints and increasing your skills! And again, if you desire to work with acrylic or oil in the traditional way (on canvas) you are welcome.  

This class is for you!  So come with your questions, art dilemmas and ideas and we can work it out.

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have:


About Marie Gamon: Marie has been teaching art and doing art for many, many years---She has experience with oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, collage and ceramics.  Marie received her BS in Art Education at Penn State.  She has taught people of all ages from toddlers through seniors, the incredibly gifted and those with learning challenges. She enjoys seeing her students grow and get great enjoyment out of doing art.

She enjoys painting and working color.  Color is her favorite!! She has exhibited her art in venues throughout central Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia as well as western PA.  She often has art hanging in the Hershey Library with other artists from Hershey Area Art Association.  She enjoys painting in plein air, landscapes, seascapes, still life, animals and sometimes people!!  She lives with her husband of many years and two cats.

***********************************************************************SUPPLY LIST: Please note following is a list of supplies, if you want to focus on one media the whole 8 weeks you only need to buy the media you want to use.  

For Watercolor:

Watercolor Paper, 140lb or higher

Brushes, variety of sizes and shapes, taklon is a good fiber

Watercolor paints, tubes or pans.  Good brands are Cotman(student grade) Winsor Newton Artezza, Marie’s (I’ve bought Marie’s and Artezza brands on line) Grumbacher. Or bring what you have there are many good quality brands!

A palette with a lid. You can re-use watercolors when they dry out.  So you will not be throwing away your paint on the palette.

Masking tape, blue painter’s tape works well.

Masonite board to stretch you watercolor paper on for painting.

For Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them!

Acrylic paints in a variety of colors, liquitex is a good brand to use.

Matte medium for thinning your Acrylic paints when using them like watercolor.

Paper or canvas. There is paper especially for use with acrylics.It is a heavier weight.

Brushes variety of sizes and shapes.  Taklon fiber works well.

Blue painter’s tape


A set of Gouache paints

See Watercolor list for rest of supplies.

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Oil and Acrylics II with Paul Gallo
to Feb 13

Oil and Acrylics II with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesdays, January 9 - Feb. 13, 2024 (6 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

The class’s goal is to help each artist maximize their individual style of painting and explore new techniques and creativity. The class also examines accomplished artists, both past and present, thru videos, presentations and demonstrations.

Paul himself strives to make paintings that have confident brushwork, paint handling and color. Paul earned an MFA from Syracuse University and in addition to Hershey Area Art Association has taught Painting, Drawing and Design at the college level. 

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo
to Dec 19

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesdays, Oct. 31 - Dec. 19 ( 8 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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Water Media with Marie Gamon
to Nov 16

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a continuation of Marie’s Water Media class. New students ALWAYS welcome!

The Focus will be on watercolor paints, how to get started, different ways to use watercolor, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and I will introduce how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor. We will take a look at different types of brushes and papers and mediums.  We will focus on watercolor techniques.  This class is for both beginners and people with experience, who want to get more out of their paints!  And of course, we will cover color theory, composition, and drawing techniques (as needed) and answer your questions.  This class will be student focused, so come with your questions and art dilemmas.  We can work it out!   

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have: 717-903-6748

Thursday, Sept. 28 - Nov. 16 (8 weeks)

10:00am -1:00pm

$175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Supply List:

Watercolor only:

watercolor paper, 140lb 

A variety of brushes  taklon, or a synthetic fiber works well

watercolor paints a set of at least twelve paints in tubes 

a palette with a lid.  you can reuse watercolors so you will not throwing away your paint on the palette.

masking tape, the blue painter's tape works well.

a masonite board to stretch your watercolor paper on for painting.**

Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them:

See above for everything, except the paints!

a good quality set of acrylic paints.  at least 10-12 colors

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Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo
to Oct 17

Oil and Acrylic Painting with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



registration closed

Tuesdays, Aug. 29 - Oct. 17 ( 8 classes)

* Guest instructors on Sept. 26 and Oct. 6. *

10:00am -1:00pm

175.00 Member……$190.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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9:00 AM09:00


Wednesday, July 19th

9am - 4pm (break for one hour for lunch)

$95.00 Member……$110.00 Non-member

Location is the Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Concept presentation in the morning (indoors) followed by a quick demo of my process in the field. The rest of the day is for student painting with feedback.

Learn to capture the landscape in front of you. This class offers a step by step method to tackle the challenge of painting outside.

• Discover how to edit complex scenes, and how to train your eye to help you create

atmosphere in a three-dimensional painting.

• See how to create useful thumbnail sketches that speed up the painting process and help to

explore composition alternatives.

• Learn to see the quality of light and shadow.

All levels are welcome. This class will enhance the skill of the experienced artist as well as give confidence to the new painter. Do not feel intimidated if you're a beginner or if it's been a while since you've painted outdoors. Lina will be doing demos and give instruction on the basics. Open to any painting medium.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033



Suggested colors:

Titanium White

Cad Yellow Medium (Azo Yellow is a less expensive alternative) Cad Red Medium (Napthol Red is a less expensive alternative) Alizarin Crimson

Ultramarine Blue

Yellow Ochre

Transparent Red Oxide (Burnt Sienna could be substituted; however, it is not transparent and the color isn't as rich or clear

Manganese or Cerulean Blue

Sap Green

Brushes: Good quality brushes for your medium These are my absolute favorites but not required:

Silver Brush LTD

Ruby Satin Series 2503 filberts size: 2, 4

Silverstone Series 1101 or Grand Prix Series 1001 size 8 (Silver Stone is less expensive than Grand Prix)

Golden Natural Series 2000S liner size 2

Stretched Canvas or Canvas panels. I like to tone my canvas with a thinned coat of bright yellow. Oil paint is ideal (for oil painters) but acrylic works. However, feel free to use whatever color suits you.



Lina Ferrara has a bachelor’s degree from PSU and has pursued post graduate study in art history and Italian at Bucknell University. During one of several visits to Florence, she studied gilding and furniture painting in the grotessca style popularized by Raphael.

She says this of her work “ I record in paint what is magnificent to me — the everyday insignificant detail of a thing. Light transfigures the mundane into the sublime and it is a tool that is every bit as important as my pigments and brushes. Light reveals the rich radiance of a color that sings soprano”

Her paintings are held in private collections in the U.S., Italy, Holland and Germany, and include artworks in the White House, the Library of Congress and Woodmode Industries in Kramer, PA.

Currently she serves as artist in residence at Allenberry Resort in Boiling Springs, PA

A popular workshop instructor, Lina has extensive experience having taught in such varied places as Canada, Italy, Holland, and most states in the U.S. She leads painting retreats to the Amalfi Coast, Italy.

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to Aug 24


  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a continuation of Marie’s Water Media class. New students ALWAYS welcome!

The Focus will be on watercolor paints, how to get started, different ways to use watercolor, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and I will introduce how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor. We will take a look at different types of brushes and papers and mediums.  We will focus on watercolor techniques.  This class is for both beginners and people with experience, who want to get more out of their paints!  And of course, we will cover color theory, composition, and drawing techniques (as needed) and answer your questions.  This class will be student focused, so come with your questions and art dilemmas.  We can work it out!   

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have: 717-903-6748

Thursday, July 13 - Aug. 24, 2023 (6 classes)


10:00am -1:00pm

$130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Supply List:

Watercolor only:

watercolor paper, 140lb 

A variety of brushes  taklon, or a synthetic fiber works well

watercolor paints a set of at least twelve paints in tubes 

a palette with a lid.  you can reuse watercolors so you will not throwing away your paint on the palette.

masking tape, the blue painter's tape works well.

a masonite board to stretch your watercolor paper on for painting.**

Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them:

See above for everything, except the paints!

a good quality set of acrylic paints.  at least 10-12 colors

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Encaustic Painting with MJ McFalls
7:00 PM19:00

Encaustic Painting with MJ McFalls

Monday, June 26, 2023

7pm - 9pm

$40.00 Member……$55.00 Non-member

Location is the Hershey History Center, 40 Northeast Drive, Hershey, PA 17033


ENCAUSTIC ART: a form of painting that involves a heated wax medium to which colored pigments have been added and usually painted on a surface such as wood.

Pictured above is an Encaustic painting of owls on a small log.  MJ will be bringing  supports of various sizes and shapes and the participants can choose what suits them best for their project.

Participants will be able to paint anything from a picture to a more abstract design.

It’s an easy and fun and very versatile medium.  

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033


M. J. McFalls
•A versatile artist of many and various mediums including: Oils, Acrylic, Gouache, Tempera, Watercolour, Clay, Sculpture, Pen & Ink, Papier-mâché, and Encaustics

•M. J. teaches at her home in Myerstown, Pennsylvania as well as Private Schools, Home school groups and Nursing homes.  

•Her 6 week long  Pottery Workshops run from March - November

•Creativity inspired by nature and her love of animals is often what is depicted in M. J.’s pieces

•Portraits, Illustrations, pottery commissions as well as public speaking and teaching of groups or individuals

• M. J. lives in Myerstown with her husband of 41 years and numerous pets on the family homestead along the historic 1820 Union Canal Lock

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Water Media with Marie Gamon
to Jun 8

Water Media with Marie Gamon

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a continuation of Marie’s Water Media class. New students ALWAYS welcome!

The Focus will be on watercolor paints, how to get started, different ways to use watercolor, some tricks to make watercolor do what you want it to do, and I will introduce how you can use acrylic paints as watercolor. We will take a look at different types of brushes and papers and mediums.  We will focus on watercolor techniques.  This class is for both beginners and people with experience, who want to get more out of their paints!  And of course, we will cover color theory, composition, and drawing techniques (as needed) and answer your questions.  This class will be student focused, so come with your questions and art dilemmas.  We can work it out!   

Feel free to contact Marie with any questions you may have: 717-903-6748

Thursday, May 4 - June 8, 2023 (6 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

Supply List:

Watercolor only:

watercolor paper, 140lb 

A variety of brushes  taklon, or a synthetic fiber works well

watercolor paints a set of at least twelve paints in tubes 

a palette with a lid.  you can reuse watercolors so you will not throwing away your paint on the palette.

masking tape, the blue painter's tape works well.

a masonite board to stretch your watercolor paper on for painting.**

Acrylic paints, if you choose to use them:

See above for everything, except the paints!

a good quality set of acrylic paints.  at least 10-12 colors

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Painting with oil and acrylics with Paul Gallo
to Jun 6

Painting with oil and acrylics with Paul Gallo

  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Tuesdays, May 2 - June 6, 2023 (6 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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to Apr 18


  • Hershey Area Art Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Tuesdays, March 14 - April 18, 2023 (6 classes)

10:00am -1:00pm

$130.00 Member……$145.00 Non-member

Location: Campbelltown Academy of Music and Arts, 2849 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

This is a continuation of Paul’s previous painting classes. A flexible class that is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students. New students and previous students welcome.

Paul gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !

Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of Paul’s constructive critique and suggestions.

Please make checks payable to Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:

PO Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033

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