Hershey Area Art Association members are invited to hang artwork in the cafe at the Cocoa Beanery! All members in good standing and submitting the registration are eligible. Each rotation will be shared by 3 artists. The hanging date is August 5, 2019 at 3PM.
NOTE - August Exhibit Still Has Room for One More Artist!
The public is invited to come see this art anytime that the Cocoa Beanery is open.
Three artists will share each rotation. Each artist may bring six original paintings of various sizes to be hung as space allows. Artists please use HAAA art tags which can be found on the HAAA website. Please use the ‘8 per page’ tags printed on cardstock. On art tags, if your art is for sale, prices cannot be displayed at this particular exhibit, in lieu of a price please leave “contact artist” in the allotted space. Also, artists should bring a printed biography of themselves to hang with the show. There will be 8x10 and 5x7 frames available to hang the biographies. Please contact, the Show Chairperson Kathleen Grim if you need assistance.
Members will remit 20% of any sales that are made at their show to HAAA to benefit the HAAA scholarship fund. Please notify Kathleen Grim if you will be removing any sold art before the end of the showing. Any art removed early should be replaced with another piece of art.
HAAA and the Cocoa Beanery are not responsible for any loss or damage to any artwork.
HAAA requests the right to photograph work for press information or cataloging of the exhibit.
HAAA Members exhibiting are to read and agree to the Hershey Area Art Associations, “General Information and Policy Statement” found on the HAAA website