Prez Sez, January 2018
Prez Sez January 2018
Welcome to a new year! Our Association closed out 2017 with a wonderful Christmas dinner where we shared past holiday experiences and collected non-perishables for Hershey Food Pantry. We are looking forward to an exciting new year with six new members to the Board to be confirmed at our January meeting. January is also our "Masterpiece" evening, so please bring one of your art pieces to share with the group.
After a holiday break, we are restarting our art classes in mid January. Both Paulette Flemmens and John McNulty will resume their oil classes; Marie Gamon will return with a class in acrylic; and open Paint Together sessions, without a formal instructor, will start again. Find details and a registration form on our website. Please remember to make all checks out to HAAA for classes.
Our first art display of the year is at Hershey Gardens Conservatory January 12 - 15. More information and a registration is on our website.
With winter comes the possibility of inclement weather. For all Association events, if the Hershey/Derry Township schools are closed, the event will be cancelled. If the schools are on a two hour delay, the instructor will decide whether or not to have their class, and will contact the students with their decision. Every effort will be made to make up a cancelled class.
I can't say enough how unique Hershey Area Art Association is with all the opportunities to explore, learn about, and display art. When visitors attend our meetings, I often hear affirmation of the cohesive, friendly atmosphere. I thank each one of you for your excitement and commitment to HAAA, through membership in the Association. Without your participation and support, we would not exist.
Lee Sandel and Darlene Ferrier will be at a table to collect 2018 membership dues at our January 9th meeting. If you will not be able to attend our monthly meeting, please send a check for your membership to our post office box:
HAAA, P.O. Box 654, Hershey, PA 17033.
Dues run from January to January of each calendar year. For new members who have joined in October 2017 or later, your dues are good for the new year.
I wish you a wonderful New Year, and look forward to sharing artistic moments.
Sincerely, Cindy Ankney