Prez Sez, November 2018
November is election month. Our outgoing President, Cindy Ankney has elected to move to sunny Florida so she can play shuffleboard, golf year round and paint palm trees. She will be missed. As Vice President, I will step into her shoes and carry out the duties of HAAA President until the membership elects the slate of nominees for the Board of Directors in January 2019. Since I have received no campaign funding, there will be no rallies, debates or TV ads, just my promise to do my best for HAAA.
The nomination process for new board members is going on right now. You may be approached by our nomination committee to consider a position on our board of directors. Please consider the request. Talk to other board members, current and past, and read the association documents on the website before you make a decision.
The Board of Directors is currently engaged in a revision of the HAAA bylaws. The process is tedious but the bylaws need to better reflect both the purpose and responsibility of our association. Upon approval from the Board, the revisions will be shared with the membership both in paper form at meetings and on our website. Members may review and/or question any of the recommended changes. When the bylaws have gone through a complete review and education process the membership will be given a 30 day notice prior to a vote. A vote will be requested at a general meeting in the new year.
Our guest speaker on November 13th will be Thom Glace. Thom went from a world traveling journalist to a watercolor artist focusing on fish and insects. He is an established artist in galleries all over the Northeast. He will describe his transparent watercolor techniques and briefly explain his marketing and advertising process. Visit his website to view his beautiful work.
Please remember if you have art related items that you no longer need and want to pass them along to other artists, contact our donations coordinator Angelia Lapioli at
Hershey Area Art Association Holiday Party!!! Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 6PM. SAVE THE DATE
Party Chair Person - Cathy Griffith
More Details on the News page of HAAA website
Our routine classes and events slow down this time of the year so we can enjoy the holiday season. That doesn’t mean that our creativity takes a leave. Enjoy the time to rejuvenate your art, sign up for a class in the new year, commit to showing your work at a show. Consider giving an art class as a gift. Be mindful of the art around you.
Watch the website for new classes starting in January, and new venue opportunities such as the Back Stage Cafe in Allen Theatre also begin preparing for the member show at the Hershey Library. The theme this year is Sunday/Sun Day/Sundae. Keep checking the website under the headings Classes and Events for the current and upcoming activities.
Remember the January 8, 2019 meeting is Masterpiece Night - Bring an example of your best work and the story behind it.
Kathleen Grim, Acting President Hershey Area Art Association