IMPORTANT INFORMATION! As per PA and CDC Guidelines during this pandemic, we require masks for indoor activities, washing hands frequently (or using hand sanitizer) and practicing social distance at all HAAA art shows, classes, and events. Please follow the venue’s pandemic requirements to stay safe during Covid-19. If you are sick, please do not participate.
This Flexible class is customized each week to match the needs and experience of the students.
John gives a brief lesson or demonstration at the beginning of class, and then addresses each student’s individual painting issues. Topics covered can include composition, brush technique, color theory, perspective, the human figure, plein air painting, etc. Students interests and needs guide the discussion, so bring your questions !
Instruction is primarily for oil painters, but acrylics and other mediums are welcome; the fundamental art principles are the same. Some drawing skill is recommended. Students must provide their own subject matter; your own sketches or photos are encouraged. Each student works at his/her own pace and receives instruction as needed. More advanced artists can use this time as a “Master’s Class” to finish paintings or take advantage of John’s constructive critique and suggestions.
This class meets every Tuesday for 6 weeks 1-4pm
November 3 - December 15, 2020
Class fee is $120 for HAAA members and $135 for non members.
Please bring your own supplies unless otherwise indicated.
LOCATION: Hershey Derrry Township Historical Society (Lower Level..entrance in the back) -40 Northeast Dr., Hershey, PA. 17033
Please make your check payable to: Hershey Area Art Association (HAAA) and mail to:
PO Box 654, Hershey, PA. 17033
You can register for this class by pressing the button below.